2024 Real Estate Agents Email List in USA

These Email Addresses can be used for marketing, networking, lead generation, research, and communication purposes. It enables agents to reach a broader audience, connect with peers, generate leads, conduct market research, and communicate effectively with clients and colleagues.

Stats of Complete Real Estate Agents Email List
Number of Realtor contacts
Realtor Email Addresses
Office Addresses
Phone Numbers
Fax Numbers
Cell Numbers
Realtors with License

Last Update Date - May 7, 2024

Sample download similar to the database we provide

Explore our extensive Realtor Email Database, featuring screenshots and samples. The included sample file is a CSV file containing the same data fields available in the complete database, ensuring you have access to the necessary information.
FAQs Regarding Real Estate Agents Email List

What is GaEstateList ?

GaEstateList is a company that gives real estate agents a list of email addresses. These email addresses belong to other real estate agents. It helps agents connect with each other easily.

How accurate is the Real Estate Agents Email List provided by GaEstateList?

The email validity rate is over 95%. We assure an email validity of over 95%. If the bounce rate is below 5%, we update the information or offer a refund.

How frequently is the Real Estate Agents Email List updated?

Our Real Estate Broker Email Lists are continuously updated with fresh, effective sales leads. We take pride in regularly reviewing, upgrading, and maintaining our database to ensure it remains current and active. This ensures you receive new sales leads as soon as they become available, thanks to our high accuracy rate.

Additionally, with the purchase of the Real Estate Agents Email List, you will receive monthly updates for the entire six-month period at no extra cost.

Can I get the sample email address of real estate agents for free ?

Absolutely! You can access real estate agents' email addresses for free. GaEstateList offers a complimentary sample list for each state, containing 50 contacts, with a total of 200 free contacts available nationwide. Simply register on GaEstateList to download the sample list at any time.

What sources are used to prepare GaEstateList's Real Estate Agents Email List?

Our data experts use new technology and reliable places to make our list of emails for real estate agents. They get information from places like business directories, trade shows, Yellow Pages, and government databases. This way, our lists are correct, recent, and trustworthy. Some places we get information to make our list of emails for real estate brokers include business directories, business cards, government records, panel discussions, opt-in mailing campaigns, conferences and seminars, feedback forms, and other trusted sources.

What does the nationwide email list of real estate agents provide, and how many contacts are available with GaEstateList? (UpLead + ecampaignpros)

What does the nationwide email list of real estate agents aim to provide, and how many real estate agent contacts are available with GaEstateList? The nationwide email list of real estate agents aims to provide accurate, high-quality, and up-to-date real estate agent leads in your area. GaEstateList offers access to over 2.1 million real estate agents across the entire USA.

How many licensed real estate agents' contact data does the company offer?

They offer key contact data on over 1,500,000 plus licensed real estate agents.

What are the pricing options for GAEstateList, and what features do they include?

LaEstateList offers several pricing plans for real estate agent email lists:

By State:

Price: Starts at $42 per state.

Features: Provides real estate agent email lists for all 51 states in the USA.

By City:

Price: Starts at $15 per city.

Features: Offers email lists for specific cities, ideal for targeted regional marketing.

By County:

Price: Starts at $15 per county.

Features: Provides county-specific email lists, allowing for highly localized outreach efforts.

What kind of data fields are available in GaEstateList’s detailed Real Estate Agents Email List?

GaEstateLists Real Estate Agents Email List contains a variety of essential data fields to provide comprehensive insights into the real estate industry. Here are the details you can access:

  • Full Name: This includes the first name, middle name, and last name of the real estate agent.
  • Email: The email address of the real estate agent.
  • Office Name: The name of the real estate office where the agent is employed.
  • Address: The street address of the real estate office.
  • City: The city where the real estate office is located.
  • State: The state where the real estate office is located.
  • Zip: The ZIP code of the real estate office location.
  • County: The county where the real estate office is situated.
  • Phone: The phone number of the real estate agent.
  • Fax: The fax number of the real estate office.
  • Cell: The cell phone number of the real estate agent.
  • License Type: The type of license held by the real estate agent.
  • License Number: The license number of the real estate agent.
  • Association: The professional association or organization the real estate agent is affiliated with.

Why is the accuracy of the mailing address important even if you may not need it?

If the mailing address is not accurate, then most likely your real estate agent email list is highly out-of-date, indicating that the agent is no longer employed at the address or even working in the real estate field.

What accuracy level is guaranteed for the realtor cell phone number?

The realtor cell phone number is guaranteed to be 90+ percent accurate

Is there a verification process for the data provided?

Yes, GaEstateList verifies all email addresses every month before you can download your list, ensuring the data is accurate and valid.

How can GaEstateList's realtor database improve cold calling and help acquire leads while making a lasting impression?

GaEstateList's realtor email database can help with cold calling and getting new leads. With our database, businesses can improve their cold calling efforts. The database has accurate contact information, so businesses can reach the right people. This increases the chances of successful calls and getting more leads. Using our database makes cold calling campaigns work better, leading to more efficiency, more leads, and better sales overall.

Can I target specific industries and locations with GaEstateList’s Real Estate Agents Email List?

Yes, our real estate agent mailing list is made to fit the needs of different industries. We have a complete database that helps various businesses find the right contacts for their marketing efforts. Whether you're in construction, digital media, IT, infrastructure, recruitment, finance, insurance, or interior decoration, our database can be adjusted to suit your specific needs.

What makes GaEstateList one of the best sites for generating real estate leads?

GaEstateList is a top site for generating real estate leads for several reasons:
  • 95% Data Accuracy Guarantee: GaEstateList ensures that 95% of the contact information is accurate, improving the validity of your mailing lists and the deliverability of your email marketing campaigns.
  • Data Enrichment: GaEstateList enhances your existing real estate mailing lists with valuable lead data and updated contact information, making your outreach efforts more effective.
  • Flexible Payment Options: GaEstateList offers flexible payment plans, allowing you to choose between monthly or annual contracts to fit your needs, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Is it possible to find realtors’ email addresses online?

Yes, you can find realtors online through GaEstateList. They provide:
  • Realtors by State
  • Realtors by County
  • Realtors by City
  • Entire USA Realtor Email List: Access a comprehensive list of 2.1 million realtors nationwide.

Is it legal to buy a Real Estate Agents Email List?

Yes, purchasing a realtor database is legal. However, it's crucial to adhere to legal and anti-spam regulations when acquiring email lists. Compliance entails:
  • Offering list members the option to opt out of your realtor database.
  • Refraining from sending inappropriate materials.
  • Furnishing adequate information about your business, such as your office address and phone numbers.

Is your Real Estate Agents Email List compliant with CAN-SPAM law?

Yes, we take data privacy seriously. Our Real Estate Agent Email List is fully compliant with the CAN-SPAM law. You can rest assured knowing that all records are up-to-date and in compliance with data protection regulations.

Is it possible to search for the email address of a local real estate agent?

At GaEstateList, you have the opportunity to buy contact information of local real estate agents online. Their listings are meticulously categorized by state, county, and city across the entire USA. By exploring their website, you can effortlessly discover local real estate agents.

How do Real Estate Agents Email List providers guarantee that the email addresses are fresh and valid?

The freshness and accuracy of email addresses depend on the company providing the real estate agent email lists. Some companies offer instant-download lists that might have outdated or false information, which can hurt your email marketing efforts.

Lead generation services like GaEstateList guarantee 95% data accuracy and check email addresses in real-time. This lets you confidently add them to your marketing list. GaEstateList also allows you to create customized marketing lists with both new and updated information.

How can I develop my most profitable realtor email list?

You have a few ways to get a list of realtor emails. You can buy a list that's already made, or you can create your own. Instead of using the same lists everyone else uses, try GaEstateList to make a custom one. GaEstateList promises 95% accurate data and checks all emails every month to make sure they work. With GaEstateList, you can get all the contacts you need for commercial sales, real estate, and more. They also offer realtor emails from top real estate companies like Keller Williams, Coldwell Banker, and Century21.

How can one effectively leverage real estate email lists to enhance networking and revenue in the industry?

One can effectively leverage real estate email lists by partnering with GaEstateList.com, which provides targeted lists of real estate agents, brokers, and key decision-makers. Simply select the desired location from their available lists to start connecting with leads and boosting revenue.

What are the advantages and contact details of using various state-specific Realtor Email Lists from GaEstateList?

A. California Real Estate Agents Email List
  • Market Access: Gain access to one of the most significant housing markets in the U.S.
  • Localized Opportunities: Effectively tap into localized real estate opportunities.
  • High-Value Market: Engage with high-value properties and affluent clientele.
B. Florida Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Extensive Reach: Contains 309,649 contacts, offering wide reach within the Florida real estate market.
  • Market Penetration: Effectively penetrate the Florida real estate sector.
  • Diverse Opportunities: Access a diverse range of real estate opportunities.
C. New York Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Vital Contact Data: Provides access to essential contact data of real estate agents in New York.
  • Significant Real Estate Hub: Impact the housing market in one of the most significant real estate hubs in the U.S.
  • Strategic Connections: Build strategic connections with key real estate players.
D. Texas Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • B2B Connections: Facilitate B2B connections with real estate agents and brokers in Texas.
  • Business Growth: Support faster sales and business growth through targeted marketing.
  • Expansive Market: Leverage the expansive and growing real estate market in Texas.
E. New Jersey Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Targeted Marketing: Focus marketing efforts on a strategically important state.
  • Access to Suburban Markets: Reach suburban markets with high residential turnover.
  • Proximity to Major Cities: Leverage proximity to major cities like New York City and Philadelphia.
F. Washington Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • High-Tech Influence: Engage with a market influenced by the tech industry.
  • Regional Opportunities: Explore opportunities in both urban and rural areas.
  • Economic Stability: Benefit from the economic stability and growth in Washington.
G. Michigan Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Industrial Market: Access markets influenced by the automotive and manufacturing industries.
  • Affordable Housing: Tap into opportunities in affordable housing sectors.
  • Urban Revitalization: Engage with urban revitalization projects, particularly in Detroit.
H. Maryland Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Proximity to DC: Benefit from proximity to Washington D.C. and its affluent suburbs.
  • Diverse Market: Engage with a diverse real estate market, including coastal properties.
  • Economic Growth: Leverage economic growth driven by government and technology sectors.
I. Louisiana Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Cultural Hub: Engage with a market rich in cultural heritage and tourism.
  • Reconstruction Opportunities: Explore opportunities in reconstruction and development post-natural disasters.
  • Commercial Properties: Tap into commercial real estate opportunities in urban centers like New Orleans.
J. Illinois Real Estate Agents Email List, Lead, and Contacts Database 2024
  • Chicago Market: Access one of the largest real estate markets in the Midwest.
  • Diverse Opportunities: Engage with both urban and rural real estate markets.
  • Economic Center: Leverage the economic activities centered in Illinois, especially Chicago.
Additionally, GaEstateList offers Realtor email lists by state, covering the entire USA. These lists enable targeted marketing, fostering more efficient and effective outreach in key real estate markets nationwide.

Why are accurate, human-verified realtor email lists crucial for marketing, and how does GaEstateList ensure their database's accuracy and effectiveness?

Importance of Accurate and Human-Verified Realtor Email Lists in Marketing:
  • Ensures access to reliable contact information.
  • Allows for targeted and effective marketing campaigns.
  • Yields better results and higher ROI.
GaEstateList's Approach to Ensuring Accuracy and Success:
  • Strong data partner network across major real estate markets, enabling localized service on a global scale.
  • Proficient team of data experts, analysts, and technology specialists ensures database accuracy.
  • Adherence to current data privacy laws and regulations.
  • Regular updates and human verification of contact details.
  • Alignment with industry norms to maintain accuracy and responsiveness.

Provides reliable contact information to support marketing initiatives effectively, guaranteeing better-than-expected success for businesses in the real estate sector.

How can businesses benefit from using GaEstateList's realtor email list?

Marketers and businesses can greatly benefit from using GaEstateList's realtor email lists in various ways:
  • Effective Marketing Campaigns:
    • Revenue Boost: Marketers can launch effective marketing campaigns using GaEstateList's qualitative realtor email list, exploring new opportunities in the real estate and construction sectors, significantly boosting revenue.
    • Direct Communication: By accessing accurate and up-to-date contact information, businesses can bypass communication barriers and directly reach the right prospects, avoiding the frustration of dealing with stale or irrelevant data.
  • Expansive and Reliable Contact Repository:
    • Comprehensive Coverage: GaEstateList provides a repository of 2.1 million real estate agents, brokers, and other decision-makers from the US and beyond, facilitating global business communications.
    • Niche Market Insights: Businesses can gain valuable insights into their niche market audience, understanding their preferences and behaviors, which helps in tailoring marketing strategies.
  • Targeted Marketing Features:
    • Customization and Segmentation: The email list allows for detailed segmentation and customization, enabling businesses to filter the audience based on various criteria such as location, job title, and industry. This makes marketing efforts more efficient and personalized.
    • Accuracy and Verification: Each record in the email list is verified through manual and automated methods, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data provided.
  • Industry-Wide Benefits:
    • Diverse Applications: Various industries, including construction, digital media, IT, infrastructure, recruitment, finance, insurance, and interior decoration, can benefit from these email addresses.
    • Market Research: The database aids in thorough market research, trend analysis, and understanding market sentiments, helping businesses make informed decisions and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Optimized Email Marketing:
    • Personalized Campaigns: Businesses can leverage the database for highly targeted and personalized email campaigns, ensuring the right message is delivered to the right audience at the right time.
    • Performance Tracking: The database supports A/B testing and performance metric tracking, enabling continuous refinement of email marketing strategies for more impactful campaigns.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) Enhancement:
    • Cost-Efficient Outreach: GaEstateList's realtor email list enables quick and cost-effective outreach to potential clients, generating quality leads and enhancing ROI on marketing campaigns.
    • Targeted ROI: Businesses can target specific states, regions, or types of agents (residential, commercial, etc.), ensuring highly effective marketing efforts.
  • Advanced Marketing Strategies:
    • Account-Based Marketing (ABM): The email list supports ABM, allowing businesses to focus on specific target accounts, leading to better engagement, more conversions, and significant ROI.
    • Drip Marketing Campaigns: The list facilitates easy setup of drip marketing campaigns, enabling automated, sequential email communications that build strong relationships with potential clients and enhance brand awareness.

In summary, GaEstateList's realtor email lists offer a versatile and powerful tool for businesses to enhance their marketing efforts, gain market insights, and achieve substantial ROI through targeted, personalized, and efficient communication strategies.

How does your company support businesses aiming to expand their operations globally in the real estate industry, and what sets your services apart?

Detailed Information on Industry Prospects:

We provide detailed information on industry prospects across North America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and South America. This comprehensive data helps businesses in the real estate industry to make informed decisions about expanding globally.

Updated and Verified Real Estate Agent Contact List:

Our company keeps the real estate agent contact list updated and verified. This ensures that businesses receive accurate and responsive data with a 95% deliverability rate. Having an updated and verified contact list makes it easier for businesses to reach their global expansion goals effectively.

Years of Experience and Industry Expertise:

Real estate agents play a crucial role in helping people find their perfect properties, whether for personal or commercial use. Our Real Estate Broker Contact List stands out due to our years of experience and industry expertise. We provide businesses with a reliable and high-value database tailored to their specific needs.

Customizable Mailing List for Specific Industry Requirements:

Our real estate agent mailing list can be customized to fit specific industry requirements. Whether you're in construction, digital media, IT, infrastructure, recruitment, finance, insurance, or interior decoration, our database can be tailored to support your marketing efforts effectively.

How can GaEstateList's databases help in enhancing multi-level marketing campaigns for real estate professionals?

GaEstateList's databases can enhance multi-level marketing campaigns by providing access to reputed real estate professionals. With a strong foothold in the market and an understanding of what solutions resonate with the target audience, these databases enable businesses to direct promotional content through preferred channels, effectively powering up their marketing efforts.

How does the segmentation of your real estate agents email list benefit marketing teams in conducting B2B campaigns effectively?

The segmentation of our real estate agent email list provides multiple segments, organizing extensive information into manageable chunks. This segmentation simplifies the marketing team's job, allowing them to easily navigate through the vast database and select the right audience for B2B campaigns. With this approach, marketers can devise winning marketing campaigns with precision, making the process swift and convenient. Reach out to our experts today to discuss your marketing goals and strategies.

How can GaEstateList's Real Estate Agent Email Database facilitate business organizations in exploring new opportunities in the real estate sector?

GaEstateList's Real Estate Agent Email Database provides immense opportunities for business organizations involved in real estate development and ancillary services. To make the most out of the real estate growth trajectory, competent and reliable data is essential. Our database is designed to enable marketers to flawlessly execute marketing campaigns with complete information, reaching prospects via telephone, email, or mail.

Why should businesses market to real estate agents, and how can GaEstateList assist in this process?

Real estate agents help people find the perfect properties for living or for business. To do their jobs well, they need different products, services, and tools. If you want to sell things like property management software or mortgage assistance to real estate agents, you need accurate contact information.

GaEstateList helps you reach real estate agents with email campaigns that have a 95% chance of being delivered. This ensures your messages get to the right people, reducing the chances of getting uninterested leads.

How can marketers ensure the success of their marketing campaigns and the quality of real estate email lists from GaEstateList.com?

Leveraging GaEstateList's Real Estate Email Lists:

Marketers can ensure the success of their marketing campaigns by leveraging the real estate email lists from GaEstateList.com, which provide accurate, human-verified, and reliable contact information. This enables marketers to conduct targeted, data-driven campaigns that effectively reach and engage with their desired audience, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased ROI.

Quality Assurance by GaEstateList:
  • Segmentation and Customization: GaEstateList segments and customizes its database, enabling marketers to connect with quality prospects relevant to their business.
  • Opt-In Contacts: Providing opt-in contacts ensures that marketers receive responses without wasting resources.
  • CRM-Friendly Files: The files provided by GaEstateList are compatible with various CRM systems, ensuring seamless integration into existing software.
  • Validity and Verification Checks: Before handing out data to clients, GaEstateList conducts thorough validity and verification checks to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Compliance with Data Privacy Laws: GaEstateList's databases are fully compliant with data privacy laws such as GDPR and CCPA, ensuring that data usage is in accordance with legal requirements.
  • Periodic Tele-Verification: Every three months, GaEstateList conducts tele-verification to maintain the accuracy of the database.
Ensuring Quality and Reliability of Real Estate Email Lists:

Marketers can ensure the quality and reliability of real estate email lists by choosing human-verified databases, such as those offered by GaEstateList.com, which guarantee accurate and up-to-date contact information.

Ensuring Effectiveness of Email Campaigns Targeting Real Estate Agents:

GaEstateList ensures the effectiveness of its email campaigns by working diligently. The dedicated team sends more than 2.1 million emails and makes over 500,000 verification phone calls every month to provide accurate and high-quality data. This helps businesses reach real estate agents with their targeted messages effectively.

Ensuring Authenticity of Real Estate Agent Leads:

GaEstateList assures to provide only genuine and authenticated real estate agent leads details of these prospects. The in-house team of experts collates and picks trustworthy sources to fetch data. The database is acquired from permission-based and self-declared professional records, ensuring compliance with all data-privacy laws.

Ensuring Results in Marketing Campaigns Using GaEstateList's Real Estate Agent Email Database:

By leveraging GaEstateList's real estate agent email database, marketers gain the flexibility to identify potential prospects and launch targeted campaigns that deliver results. The database is designed to help reach the right audience in the real estate market, maximizing the success of marketing efforts. Contact GaEstateList today to explore how their targeted realtor list can serve business objectives and drive growth in the competitive real estate industry.

Ensuring Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns with GaEstateList's Real Estate Agent Email Addresses:

GaEstateList curates a comprehensive database of real estate agents' email addresses, ensuring that marketing campaigns are targeted and successful. Their aim is to simplify the sales and marketing processes for businesses looking to sell products, solutions, or services, whether locally or internationally. GaEstateList caters to the needs of different industries by providing an all-inclusive database, enabling efficient outreach to potential prospects and addressing their pain points effectively.

How can businesses access a reliable real estate agent contact list by job title, and who's included?

Businesses can gain access to a reliable real estate agent contact list based on various job titles through GaEstateList. This comprehensive list includes professionals such as:
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Associate Brokers
  • Building Managers
  • Commercial Property Owners
  • Real Estate Associates & Specialists
  • Property Directors, Managers & Specialists
  • Property Analysts
  • Real Estate Architects
  • Property Management Accountants
  • Field Engineers
  • Property Development Managers
  • Senior Real Estate Managers
  • Licensed Real Estate Brokers
  • Property Portfolio Managers
  • Property Maintenance Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Commercial Real Estate Agents
  • Real Estate Asset Managers
  • Property Management Specialists
  • Senior Construction Managers
  • Property Officers/Supervisors
  • Real Estate Investors
  • Property Sales Executives
  • Bilingual Construction Supervisors
  • Interior Designers
  • Real Estate Sales Agents
  • Real Estate Assistants & Managers
  • Deputy Construction Project Managers
  • Real Estate Developers
  • Resident Property Managers
  • Real Estate Sales Associates
  • Senior Construction Schedulers
  • Real Estate Representatives
  • Purchasing Managers
  • Residential Property Managers
  • Commercial Real Estate Sales Analysts
  • Construction Project Managers
  • Regional Real Estate Leaders
  • Operations Heads
  • Construction Resident Engineers
  • Construction Laborers
  • Department Heads
  • Construction Inspectors
  • And many more

This extensive list allows businesses to target specific professionals within the real estate industry for their marketing campaigns effectively.

How can I get in touch with GaEstateList to explore solutions for my marketing needs?

Simply reach out to our team, and we'll assist you in finding the best solution for your marketing requirements. Our experienced professionals are ready to help you overcome any challenges and enhance your marketing strategies.

Data Fields

Discover the diverse data fields within the Realtor Database, offering insights into real estate listings, agents, and relevant market trends. Access details such as Full Name, Email, Office Name, Address, City, State, Zip, County, Phone, Fax, Cell, License Type, License Number, and Association.
Full Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Office Name
License Type
License Number